Saturday, February 6, 2016

Okay so blog of the day will be called Deceptor.
Rather it is by your own hand who deceives another or yourself in order to face life. Is it really okay?
Hell yes! It is, but you can't live under that facade for long because when you do come out, years later, the world would have passed by and your fucking loins would have crumbled up like dust in your hands when you try to whack off... Sorry, I got a bit morbid there, but you get my point don't you? No?
Okay, look at it this way. Say you "deceive" yourself to never ever put your heart on the line for anyone because a dickless asshole of a boyfriend, or hoe for a girlfriend broke your heart into a million pieces leaving you on the curb like dog shit on a cold Alaskan morning......Yeah, that sucks and boy I am sincere when I say this. Those assholes have been a test for you and you passed....., somewhat. Know it's time for you to try again and though you approached the situation differently...Guess what!!!!
You're that asshole boyfriend or hoe of girlfriend know!!!!!
You have been so hurt by those nobodies that you've become the nobodies yourself. Isn't that like so fucking funny? It's like on the verge of stupid crazy. Omg!... You need to whup your ass and anyone else you know who is doing this to themselves. You all need your asses whooped like no tomorrow....Where the fuck is my belt!!!!!
I know right, I mean you of all people said you'd never do what they did and yet you "deceived" yourself into believing you are still protecting yourself. Lmao that's so hilarious.
So, know what? You took out your pent up anger and frustration on someone who was genuinely trying to make something true with you but you've been under your own law of protection that you forget to actually be mad at the actual ass wipes who hurt you. Congrats dick faces you made it to their level and know you will spend all eternity dating other people whom you vowed to stay away from....Yeah, you made the freaking come up.
My advice and I am saying this from one formally known dick face to a new recruit (Or veteran, or formally known dickface).
Don't just let go of your damned past go to that person whom tried to be with you, despite your many dysfunctional "deceptions" and tell them how you feel. Say you love them, and if they don't take you back sweetheart it's not a fairy tale, and you can't put yourself under protection again. We all know the time is ticking by and none of us want to be alone like forever...Unless you like that kind of shit.
So tell me ur story I want to hear and I will give you all my best, to answer each and every one......Maybe...JK....Or am I?
From your Angel De'villa I say Acta sanctorum.

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